Get paid in real-time with reporting and automatic reconciliation

January 24, 2020

Solving Payment Challenges with Instant Reconciliation

The Problem

For many businesses, keeping track of incoming transactions is a full-time job. It takes time to get paid; it takes additional time to find out that those transactions have been received; and it takes an awful lot of time to track down who paid you when lodgement references have been mistyped or forgotten.

But it doesn’t have to be like this. Spend your time scaling your business instead.

Solution: Automatcher Phase I

In July 2019, Monoova launched Automatcher. With Automatcher we issue enormous amounts of account numbers in real time which you can give to individual customers to pay in to. That way, you always know who have paid you – even when the lodgement reference is wrong!

This first iteration of Automatcher was based on direct-entry transactions. We could give you account numbers in real time but the transactions themselves were not real time. And we could only report on it a few times per day.

NEW: Automatcher Phase II

We have now removed those limitations. Phase II of Automatcher now comes with full NPP, PayID and Osko support. This means that we can issue you with enormous amounts of PayIDs as well account numbers. And you can link the two so that you receive both DE and NPP transactions.

Just like before, you can associate those PayIDs with individual customers for automatic reconciliation of incoming transactions. But those transactions are now real time. And we tell you in real time about them with a callback API.

So with the new Automatcher you don’t have to wait for your customers’ payments to come through; you don’t have to wait to find about them; and you don’t have waste time figuring out who forgot to put in the lodgement reference.

Instead, you scale your business. Better for everyone.

Get in contact with us.

Monoova Payments Pty Ltd (ABN 38 126 015 227) trading as Monoova (“Monoova”) is the authorised representative of Monoova Global Payments Pty Ltd (ABN 77 106 249 852; AFSL No. 421414 ), the issuer of the Combined Financial Services Guide & Product Disclosure Statement Non-Cash Payment Products and Services dated 20 September 2023. (FSG/PDS). This information is given in summary form and does not purport to be complete. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Monoova does not assume responsibility for, the content, accuracy or completeness of the information presented. Before acting on any information you should consider the appropriateness of the information having regard to these matters and seek independent legal, financial and tax advice. To the extent that the information contained above is sourced from third parties or provides link to third party websites, Monoova takes no responsibility for the accuracy, currency, reliability and correctness of any information included in the material provided by third parties nor for the accuracy, currency, reliability and correctness of links or references to information sources (including internet sites) operated by third parties.

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